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- Hello,
- I've been reading all these list game proposals and I have to
- admit I'm kind of thrilled, who ever came up with this idea I think we all
- owe you a good pat on the back!
- My idea for a game is one that's been floating around in my head
- for awhile now, ever since writing a Wolf-3D clone in C this past summer.
- Why not take the traditional Ray-Caster abd turn it on it's side,
- literally!
- You see Wolf is really just based on a 2-D map, infact for my
- clone I used ASCII text and DOS edit to make my levels, you know the
- routine:
- ############ This would be a little room or something
- # # # and the #'s are walls.
- # # # the @ goobie is you and all Wolf does is
- # ### ##### give you a 3-d view of this 2d map.
- # @ # In Reality this isn't anything too different
- # # From Hack or even the orignal Castle WolfenStien
- ############ Also Zelda, and all other top down maze games
- Well it occurred to me while writing a DonkeyKong (Chtulhu
- Kong) clone that same summer that our favorite old Platform games
- eg. Mario Bros., Beast Zool, Sonic, ect. aren't anything different
- they're based on the same 2d maps their just viewed in 2d, for example:
- ########## ### If I'm right the
- First level of
- ### # ##### Super Mario Bros.
- @ ### Looks something like
- ########################## ################### this.
- Well hopefully by now you see it, why not just take the RayCasting
- idea and apply it to these games, by turning the code on it's side so
- it draws horizontal lines instead of vertical ones, eg. cielings and
- floors instead of walls, get it? the #'s become platforms, we can use the
- same jump, fall, run, ect. routines as our platform games do, (this fall I
- wrote what I think was a pretty tight and generic piece of code for this
- kind of thing it's all based on a preset map and not anything on screen)
- The only thing that would change would be the view, you'd
- see from behind Mario's back instead of from his side. Obviously weren't
- not talking Mario64 or anything here, but it could be a very slick port of
- the platform genere into the third dimension. Has anyone played Crash for
- Palystation? I reckon a platformer in this style would play out somehting
- like the 3-d stages from this game, except our hero'd be able to jump
- up and and onto different platforms and heights, in this sense though
- obviously graphically inferior, unless we got somre artists out
- there, a game like this would be better than crash, which actually works
- off an almost strictly 1d map. well did anyone understand this? Any
- ideas? Unfortuneatley I don't have a copy of Amos on my machine right
- now, I jsut bought a new A3000 and my Amos disks are stended back home :(
- Actually I know Piracy has been a big issue on the list lately so please
- nobody take this wrong, but is Amos 1.3 PD? I know it was given away w/
- alot of magazines but was it officially made PD? well anyway, I'd be
- really interested in what you all think of this idea so let me know if
- you've go the time, it seems like a good list project to me because it's
- something new, at least as far as I know, it's pretty exciting, 3d games
- are all the rage these days, and it really inly involves combing alot of
- pre-existing knowledge just in a new way. Well I'm dying to start work
- on the thing myself, so maybe I'll go call home and have those disks sent
- to me.
- Thanks,
- Scott Matott sXe